Wednesday, March 1, 2017

ID your Wetlands as Functionally Significant!

Criteria for a functionally significant wetland:

Flood Flow Alteration

Upslope wetlands < 5% of the wetland’s watershed

Wetland area <20% of watershed area

Majority of the watershed is made of impervious surfaces

Most soils (>80%) have a slow infiltration rate <.06” /hour

Wetland is located near intermittent or first order stream

Wetland > 81 hectares

Surface Water Improvement

Watershed => potential pollutants

Majority of watershed != forest or scrub

Wetland < 5% watershed acreage

Upslope wetlands < 5% of the watershed

Avg. slope > 10% in watershed

Wetland type => riparian

Soil Type histosol or frequently flooded mineralized soil with high clay and organic materials levels

Near a 1st order or intermittent stream

Wildlife Habitat

1+ wetland of a different type bordering the wetland

Least common among other watershed types

Connection to surface water network

A football field or more of natural vegetation along the perimeter of the defined wetland

Hydrologically connected to another wetland within 400 meters

Cedfeldt, Paul T., Mary C. Watzin, and Bruce Dingee Richardson. "Using GIS to identify functionally significant wetlands in the Northeastern United States." Environmental management 26, no. 1 (2000): 13-24.

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