2018 NASA iTech Cycle I
notes transcribed by Paul Andreas Fischer
Tacile interface for communication
Not a map you see, but a map you feel, for blind people, is
a centuries old idea
If you think about the technologies you interact with on a
day to day basis, probably a screen
Millions of people rely on inefficient communication and
their vision and hearing are overloaded
Sematic labs thinks about communication, and believes they
have found another way of solving the problem: communicating information by
The product is Zorb, as a hardware desing to enable delivery
of information through touch
The helmet draws your eyes to areas that need attention,
such as an emergency
The sensations created by the software allow creation of
sensations to communicate anything.
20 multi-billion dollar business have expressed interest
We have created a pipeline of patented products that allow
us to creat an IP viable line
The pre-order campaign raised 25k, and it took 9 months to
deliver the first version of the hardware for users
Collection of feedback has allowed the next generation to
3 objectives
Industrial safety
Military coordination
Augmented reality
The technology of touch has not evolved in 20 years.
We are currently raising 500k to evaluate the effectiveness
of the technology in specific controlled circumstances. To demonstrate how many
lives are saved, how easy it is to send a message by touch, and exactly what
efficiency is gained.
Our product is not like a pager, which is on or off, our
product allows a wide variety of signals to be sent, from proximity alarms to
the value of a pressure gauge.
Our team is comprised of employees from google,
entrepreneurs, biologists, and more
So the next concept is how to take this technology to space.
There are unique conditions and communication failures that can occur in space.
This can be beneficial in a space suit, underwater, or in the factories where
equipment is manufactured.
Q you have exclusivity in the field, and the product is
already prepared for use. My question is what about security? Sensitive fields
such as military might not want to allow hacking that could compromise their
objectives? Is your defense an external platform or a cybersecurity focus?
A Our team coordinates with teams in the intelligence
communities with separate encryption, our Bluetooth would not be active, the
security is handed off on transfer.
Q Is your objective to create a new language of touch that
can be used across multiple platforms?
A precisely, you already have specific emotions and
responses to specific stimuli and we are able to utilize this to promote the
coherency of our technology.
Q you hope to quantify how many lives you expect to save?
A exactly, by using games such as football, and the
technology we can use the data from a coach giving insturctions to players as a
base line for how effective it will be in the field.
Q where are the signals coming from and how are they
A right now all of the signals have a human in the loop, so
there is a human who initiates the signals. We can coordinate this how you