Friday, September 28, 2018

Spectroscopic Analysis of Asteroids

Spectroscopic Analysis of Asteroids
Gary Hughes
UC Santa Barbara
Photonic Propulsion for interstellar missions
Notes by Paul Fischer
Challenges what we can do with a laser in space
Laser array powered by Photovoltaics could be used to heat an asteroid at 10 MW per square meter
Creates melting and evaporation and ablation of substrate
Thermal radiation from the heated spot
Atomic and molecular absorption in ejected plume
Spectrometric detection can then occur to determine the composition of the asteroid
Called: Remote Laser Evaporative Molecular Absorption (R-LEMA) Spectroscopy
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) as comparative method
Mars Science Laboratory ROver
“Chem Cam”
  1. Pulsed Laser
  2. More energy, 10 TW/ m2, max distance, 8m
  3. Molecular dissociation, ionization  -> plasma
  4. Optical Emission (atomic Spectroscopy) ???
Laser Induced Thermal Emission (LITE) Spectroscopy
Deep Impact Mission
Comet Tempel 1
Observed from Spitzer
Space Telescope
  1. Surface Impactor: 364 kg
  2. Particle Emission from Impact ~10^6kg of  ~10um particles
  3. Mid-, Long-Wave IR Emission Spectroscopy from Spitzer Space Telescope (from ~.75 AU) determines emissions of materials and do molecular composition
What we envision is Molecular Absorption spectroscopy (gas phase)
The mission scenario is to Asteroid 2014 HM187
Its orbit does not cross earth, but does cross orbit of Mars
        Between 139 to 312 m
No former spectra exists
Why choose this asteroid?
It is in a central ring of the asteroid belt
Methane, titanium, or water? What is in the asteroid, we propose going to figure out by probing it directly
The main objective is to determine the objective with a resources assay, could be a stopping place to go to Mars as an auxiliary capability (orbital outpost positioning)
An alternative idea could be to evaluate cost of moving the asteroid into a new orbit
What if Jeff Bezos wants to expand his empire into space? Amazon Asteroid
Short discussion of Orbit Alterationa s 2ndary otpion
10 MW/m2 -> 100 uN/W
-> Mars close approaches, could create a “keyhole” with the same tech.
Back to the Arlema system for spectropscopy analysis
About 10 km view of interaction, so we modeled the asteroid, and you can see that the temperature stabilized at 21k Kelvins, making a perfect background to do IR spectroscopy, this seems to suggest that the system has a good chance of working, at the end of phase 1, we made a strong argument that we had reached phase 2, with a strong chance of working
So what to do in Phase II?
We want to test the Spectrometer in the laboratory
Target must be put into a vacuum to simulate a space environment, we had to build all of the components, the laser enters through window and heats the substrate, creating a backlight for the spectrometer view
Based on a Brueger vortex 80 design for a couple of reasons, the vertex 80 has an external port allowing such remote designs
The distance in the laboratory of 1 meter would be expanded in space
Heating things up with a laser is not like an incandescent lightbulb, the heat bounces around everywhere and these 84 hour experiments allow photodiode feedback, which is fed back into the vortex 80, and corrects for any fast changes in backlight
System Validation
Provided by a measured spectra, will be different from a system spectra
We will measure our spectra and compare it to a reference or  predicted spectra
NIST has a chemistry webbook with many spectra, but the reference was difficult to find, ECOSTRESS discusses rocky materials including salt that allow the reflectance spectra and seeing what gets reflected, we hope to see some of the same absorption lines, but we need more gasphase rocky material spectra
Where to go from here? Everything in the lab seems to suggest that this will work.
Well if it works in the laboratory, we can make an argument for reaching TRL 3
We need to do something in a relevant environment, propose a formation fliying CueSat Experiment
        Two CubeSts in a low orbit environment
        One will be equipped with the laser, and the other with rocky material so we can prove the idea will be functional with deployment
        We have already asked the Federal University at Santa Cadarino
In stage II of the NIAC process, we hope to…
At TRL3 we will propose to PICASSO of NASA
That will allow it to hit TRL4 for the Matisse Program
Is there some overlap with other ideas?
Right I think there is some room for integrated resource utilization, if other groups get there, we will be able to send CubeSats to asteroids very efficiently\
How does the vacuum replicate the plume that is expected space?
We calculate that 90% of the absorption occurs within on spot radius, most of the stuff comes off very rapidly, and needs to be quite close to the asteroids
Is the laser big enough, how do you get to that power
The laser is a collimated beam, so that is how you get to your maximal watts
Phil Lubens and the mission context for the NIAC, gives a 2 meter array, with a 10km beam, it would be 1cm in diameter
What is the total power of the beam?
The system would be 2 KW

That would produce a lot of outgassing because you are heating a carbonaceous material?
Right, we see that in the lab, all sorts of things coming off, so we focus on this small spot and what is going on below.
Our need to prospect before we arrive, we take an economic view of the problem, we have studied the problem very seriously, we have looked at mapping asteroid spectroscopy, and we think we can do it with just a few colors, involving a strategy, where we through out ambiguous cases. We do not want to arrive at an asteroid and not have water there. The first generation we avoid such asteroids. If you have to fly to the asteroid to find what it is made of, you have already lost the battle. Prospecting missions can take 20 years, so we need to remotely survey these.
187 by the way does launches to Mars
What Delta V?
3 meters per second
What is the somatic period
Spot on the surface or wavelength?
We envision using monochromatic laser for power to heat the asteroid.
But you need a reference spectrum?
Right, to validate the approach, once the data is acquired.
That is something that has already been validated, but we have not been able to find a reliable reference spectrum.
Do mining or drilling companies have access to these records?
This sort of information is proprietary and more difficult to get in public databases.

Space Angels - NIAC 2018

The Space Angles
Justice Killian
Notes By Paul Fischer
How Entrepreneurship is being brought to space
Where money is being put to work
Where there are gaps
Work with 2 different funds:
Space Angels, 250 individuals around the world, high risk, high reward individuals with flexible time horizons
Space Capital Traditional venture capital, operates on a fixed time horizon, which constrains the opportunities we have
Investing in the final frontier of technology and growth
What is Space?
Space is the foundation of our modenr global economy
Space has enabled a 74 trillion dollar interconnected global economy
Integrating how all industries operate on a scale never before seen in the past
In addition, we create new markets
Primarily military, in 2005, GPS became widely availabel to the public
2007 to googlemaps
2008 air bnb
You hear alot about unicorn billion dollar plus companies
Allowing you to collect your data and unlock your opportunities, new markets
What has changed in the 60 years space has been around, why invest now
There is an incredible established legacy
Technology that has been developed and milestones allow us to stand on the shoulders of giants
Heavy lauch shuttle, saturn v, moon landing as examples
The first driver of a major change in the market is a change in the barriers to entry
The first space shuttle cost 60,000 dollars per kg to deliver, 1981
The Delta IV Heavy 12157 in 2004
Falcon heavy dropped the price by a factor of 10 last year
Miniaturization in satellites
A few very heavy satellites covered the world’s capabilities in the past
This made an inflexible approach, and now that is not the case
Moving from mainframes in satellites to essentially smartphones
From 1972 to 2007 the weight of the satellites dropped by half to 2800 kg
Planet dove in 2017 was just over 5 kg
Market drivers and launch caust has dropped from 77k to 10k per kg
[This means the price of an operational satellite has gone from 400 million to 50,000 dollars!!!!]
Projecting out means that 10,000 satellites can be reached in just decades
We are seeing exponential growth in lower earth orbit and a plateau in geospace orbit
State of the Industry
Going back to space companies
Morgan stanley has estimated that the space industry will reach 1.1 trillion by 2040, an increase of almost 300% over current levels
Space Investment Quarterly
Equity financing into space, looks at the transactions when money is deployed, allowing a fidelity for what is happening in the market
Dawn of the entrepeneurial space age
Beginning in 2009 saw the first successful launch of the Falcon I
Other attempts had burned through 800 million without a successful launch eg kissler
In 2010, spacex published the pricing to get to orbit, this allowed transparency in pricing
Conequetailly we see an exponential growth in business plans
Not only in the amount of capital flowing into the companies, but also the amount of companies
This makes now an exciting time, where we are just on the beginning of an upward curve
Lets dig into the numbers a little bit more, who are the actors providing capital?
Angels and individuals, as high-risk investors as first money to company with flexible time horizons
The next line is venture capitalists, with fixed time constraints, usually around 10 years
        Have been a persistent actor over time
Finally there are corporate venture partners eg boeing and lockheed
        Tech and innnovation and desire to keep a close watch on development
A Lot of the capital, 62%,  comes from the USA
        UK is growing, they hope that in 10 years 5% of GDP will come from space
        France has recently become active
Looking at this year, seeing the amount of investment into various industries, only 26% into investment, while satellites are receiving a much larger investment share.
Space X is the largest corporate investor, lead by Fidelity investments, with 500 million in investments
        These represent late stage investments directly from space x
Spinlaunch operates primarily in stealth, hoping to use centrifugal force to launch objects into space, we did not invest in them, but a number did 40 million, at series A round
Coming back to the venture capitalists, looking at the dawn of the venture capitalists, investors in space. Every top tier venture capital fund now has space investments.
In addition to this, a number of new actors have come in
Sovereign thinks of this from a national perspective
Philanthropists such as Bill Gates and EarthNow
Looking back at the market and debunking common misconceptions
Particularly early on, that space should require more capital than broader tech investments
The data indicates this is simply not true
The amount of capital raised at each stage of investments is marginally higher, but not double or triple as people think, so you can be entrepreneurially competitive in space.
How can space companies such as Spacex ever justify their value?
The price is not high early on, but tends to skyrocket later on
  1. Venture capitalists tend to invest in other lower risk tech, the process of getting a tech into orbit and getting to work is challenging and requires risk, so many investors wait through this phase, which later pushes up the price
  2. How can space companies justify their valuations? Looking at the revenue vs broader tech financing, series C and D sees space outstripping competition. With a 350 billion dollar industry already in place, there are established customers with big check sizes who can purchase tech once it is available, that is called good fundamentals.
Shows up in exit prices, requiring a company to go public, this creates a small subset that we hope will grow to attract investors engineers, scientists and money into industry
I would like to dig into the themes behind these
Starting with heavy launch, as 2017 saw the first commercial equity backed launchers launched more rockets tahn governments around the world
75% of the contracts launched they were able to secure
This means there is not a lot of opportunity in heavy launch, there are some competition, but we will not be putting money there
The opportunity to be able to launch satellites, and to provide internet from space
The value of data and the ability to connect the last several billion to the internet will change the world
Giving google access to these markets, the rockets are there to do this faster than anyone else
Our new frontier is small launch, eg. VECTOR, which took ten years to achieve a milestone, and now we have 50 small launch vehicles registered, and over the next years will deploy
Why use a small launch vehicle?
Well the data suggests these vehicles charge higher prices, but the time that it takes to integrate the payload and get onto a rideshare is significantly longer, and customers are willing to pay for the access to integrate into an existing system.
Otherwise the money is lost, like an opportunity cost, as the company must wait an extra 12 months for integration
There is a clear economic value proposition
Rail gun tech, balloons and centrifugal force are all examples of new ideas extant, and for us small-launch is quite simlar to automobile manufacturing.
Therefore our investment is in a company called VECTOR, and it should take 2.5 years to get the first rocket in orbit.
Bringing the auto manufacturers into rocket production, in terms of scale and production is critical to success
Rocket development is not a good business, high risk and difficult, one failure will destroy capability, so the reason we are excited about VECTOR is that designing, building, and manufacturing this launch will serve as a platform that allows us to view this experience as a software to the solutions, and the vehicles will be extant to allow these satellites to get into orbit
Starlight and Softbank -> several billion dollars to continue to provide internet on a global scale
        This was an enormous endeavor that venture capitalists and entrepreneurs cannot become involved in.
        We are able to get involved in the relay, the ground link, and other options
In a matter of 3 months we can provide the RF downlink in a matter of months
Another option is optical, allowing high throughput optical downlink using laser technology, provision of more from space
Earth Observation - has been around for a very long time, now is an exciting time to be a part of this
There are multiple layers
Data layers - existing instruments optical, SSAR, laser etc now being scaled down and being applied in different constellations creates an abundance of different types of data being generated and there are many ways to view this data
Some companies download the data, clean the data, and build products to sell into multiple industries in what is called a vertically integrated approach
        We foresee specialization coming into the industry. We have invested in a company called skywatch, accessible from 150 different data points, through API integration, allowing the data to become ubiquitous into society.
                Distribution is therefore the critical layer wer focus on, because this allows people to experiment with it.
        Then companies can leverage the data in a very powerful way
Looking ahead, we see 2019 as the year of private manned spaceflight
        Jeff Bezos
We are seeing private spaceflight as an exciting emerging trend, and it has taken many billionaires a very long time to develope the technology
Debris Tracking and Mitigation
        We will need at better understanding of what is floating around in space and associated risk
        We invested in a company with a network of arrays planned to track meter objects in realtime across the world, comparable efforts took a long time and cost 2 billion dollars, our project will cost 1% and provide higher fidelity than the others
        The baseline is to know what is up there with a higher degree of certainty
On Orbit Manufacturing
        MadeInSpace creates products made on orbit and sold into terrestrial markets
                Eg fiberoptic cables with greater efficacy
                Continuing to take advantage of zero gravity to create monetary opportunities
                Cooperation with NASA to enhance practicality
Space Stations
        Handful Of actors worth noting
                Expandible modules, with a marginal size factor gain, no weight factor
                Axiom - hopes to 3D print habitats into space, hoping to reduce cost of space stations to 3 billion dollars, still out of our price range
                Nanoracks was our choice for investment, to deploy the first commercial airline on the international space station how can we radically reinvent what it meant to build space stations, so independence 1 hopes to capture floating booster rockets and repurpose them into the first commercial space station, could cost less than 10 billion dollars.
                        It is a radical idea, but I remind you that skylab was assembled from rocket boosters, so the idea has worked before.
Lunar Transportation
NASA has made a number of successful private partnerships, launched a competition to be able to launch a rover, land it on the moon, capture HD images and beam it back
20 million dollar prize is not a lot to reach the moon, so more capital was made available
Japanese company, iSpace raised 95 million to do this
Israel - Space IL as a non-profit that has similar plans
Our investment is into a firm from carnegie melon that dropped out quite early, and recognized a real commercial opportunity and build partnerships, resulting in winning a 3 million and 10 million dollar contract, the latter is the largest lunar based contract for these services… demand for access to the moon does not only come from governments but from the private sector
Deep Space Platforms
        JPF has produced large scale platforms
        Commercial actors has performed propulsion technology
        Smaller scale solutions, you attach your tech and we will do the rest sort of thing
        Lower earth orbit has been democratized, only five companies have been launched into deep space, we wish to push this further out
Ecosystem Development
        In-Space Resource mapping, extracting, refining, storage
                Big visions of asteroid mining, operation within a very small realm of precious metal mining, stuck at mapping phase
        Big idea of value, and process of extraction has not been developed yet
        All of these components to the value changes have been missing
        More ideas must be identified and the TRL needs to be raised
        What is the unique value on orbit manufacturing, what are the components that must be developed, form a scientific and commercial perspective?
In space fuel production, distribution and storage
        From water, fission or fusion
        There is a gap here
        We are looking for opportunities that could have a direct overlap into terrestrial applications
Helping shape what the future looks like, we are going to be part of a number of emerging industries, the policy risks and challenges we are facing
What is the work that NASA as the foundation for commercial development to happen, has been seeded and increased, great examples of how public and private partnerships can take place
        Looking at how equity financing are happening
        How governmental support has seeded, we hope to continue to foster and grow these opportunities to grow.

Friday, March 23, 2018

cybersecurity notes

Conquest libicki
“The real impetus is that the more cyberspace is ritical to a nation’s economy and defense, the more attractive to enemies is the prospect of crippling either or oboth via attacks on or through it.” 1
The term cyberspace coined in William Gibson’s classic 1984 Neuromancer 5
4 tenets of cyberspace
  1. Cyberspace is a replicable construt
  2. There has to be a master set of rules for any given space
  3. Some mechanisms and systems across different forms of cyberspace are persistent
  4. There are three layers to cyberspace, and teh conquest of each has vastly different meaning
    1. Physical - Only as effective as infrastructure is difficult to replicate 8*
    2. Syntactic layer - If my knowledge of rules is greater than yours, I may be able to get machines to do what I want even if you physically control them
    3. Semantic layer - information critical to humans or connected devices. Control of this layer may allow me to change the way you perceive reality
“Since the 1990s, … actions in [cyberspace] have been considered part of a briader topic, infirmation warfare.” 11
5 types of information warfare are currently in use, and two hypothetical
Commad and control warfare
Intelligence ased warfare
Electronic warfare
Psychological operations
Hacker warfare
Economic and informatoinn warfare

Shift from warfare to operations in terminology to describe activities that could occur during peacetime within the military adopted in 1996
The anglo-saxon clarity of warfare should not be mistaken as lost in the change of terminology 17

“In the early 1990s, victims of most computer viruses acquried them by booting them up forom an infected floppy disk”
3 waves followed - macro viruses, worm, and viruses specific to PDAs and digital telephone waves 18

Information can be destroyed or degraded. Duplicity can avoid destrcution, while proclivity in misleading information can degrade the value of stealing information 20-1

Information used to manage information can have value, such as protocol, programs, or files on system management attacks on information and information systems are distinct entities,content and management 22

Unlike physical operations, cyber operations are much more likely to result in a stalling out or non-operating system than an operating system under false commands because computers are very effective at recognizing false information 27 */ this is where syntactic control is important

The intent and legal treatment of computer network attacks (hacking) and exploitation is different, though the mechanisms and skills requisite for each are similar. “Destruction of information is more likely than eavesdropping to be percieved as an act of war” 29

To compare a nuclear threat to a cyberthreat is like a firestorm vs. a snow storm. Different cities have different resiliencies to snowstorms, but not firestorms, snowstorm costs are greater but distributed, and the negative effects of a snowstorm are temporary for the most part while firestorms leave permanent damage. 39
One major break in this analysis is that nuclear warfare is real and happened while a large scale cyberattack has not yet been experienced in wartime 41

Information Warfare against Command and Control

Assessing War
Assessing cybersecurity
  1. Cyber damage assessment in battle
  2. Relative Strength of our own cyberforces as advantage

Vulnerabilities in context of pre-existing conditions systems, architectures and definitions
Impacts effects to cybersystems and those dependent on them
Liklihoods chaces that an attack initiates * chances that an attack is realized once initiated

Effects of cybersecurity breach
Operational effects
Monetary losses
Rep effects

A risk estimate may be prepared as a vector of scores 274

Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)
Civlian cyber targest in conflict zone may be OK, some opponents may not follow LOAC 278
Russian partisans in Georgia
Aggressive cyber attacks
Defaced websites
Interruption of internet xion
-- LOAC prohbits participation of partisans in warfare without direct state control

UN Charter and LOAC apply to cyberspace 281
>> Tallin Manual

Security for McAffee detected 100k new malware samples per day in 2012 282

Surviving cyber War
Victoria’s Secret DDoS

Don’s Best Sports: Private defense against DoS:
  1. Robust Servers
  2. High levels of Bandwidth

Spurious BGP as DoS attacks: Youtube in Pakistan 70

“Reachback” -> synthesis of tac and strat intel, developed after the “Prophet” intelligence machinery, designed for Korea, proved ineffective against a decentralized enemy such as those found in the Middle East.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

ITech 2018 Jim Reuter Deputy Associate Administrator NASA Space Technology

ITech 2018 Jim Reuter Deputy Associate Administrator NASA Space Technology
Notes Transcribed by Paul Andreas Fischer

If you are in the imaging business and you look at it from the input to the output, the possibilities for application are limitless.
As long as you have a measure of urgency, you can use academic debate to reach a solution.
Ten winners have been selected and another 3 will be given.
Today is the day ten years ago that Columbia happened. Remembering Columbia.
I remember exactly where I was at the time. I was at Time Square.  It was the 15th birthday of my twin daughters. 

Strategic thrusts
4 mega drivers lead to 6 technology thrusts
Mega drivers:
Increasing access- to our systems
Accelerating pace of discovery - all we have to do is look at the planetary exploration and the emergence of private industrial investment, and even of private finances leading the way
Democratization of space - much broader participation, emphasis on public partnerships, and greater international participation. NGO investments in space was 3.9 billion, the increase was exponential after being flat for years, beginning in earnest in ’15. ISS as a cohesive agent.
Growing utilization of space - the nascent form of industry, sees manufacturing for use in space and on earth, assembly and mining  
These were four concepts when we considered which thrust to emphasize.
Strategic thrust
Accelerate industrialization - servicing, manufacturing, assembly there are many different parts to the process. Searching for life on another planet is an example. If we can assemble machinery onsite it will be faster and safer to transport the mechanisms
Safe and efficiency - even if we have to travel interstellar by the gram-size using directed laser energy, that is an example of how we have been willing to spend 100 million before.
increasing access to planetary surfaces - good places to land tend to be lest interesting, so hazard landing etc is important, we have a mechanism on landing Mars 2020
enable next generations of space discovery - we hope to greatly enhance data quantity and quality. Where those next generations can be on our icy moons, such as Europa. We believe there to be water and volcanic activity, yielding the essential ingredients to life, if we can drill through 5 miles of ice, and radiation and other hurdles.
enable humans t o live and explore in space and on planetary surfaces - Space habitation, radiation protection, increased crew effectiveness. I worked 7 years on the ISS from 1993 to 2000 on life support. We went through alot of iterations on how we could make ISS with multiple partners, with the Russians, we had the advantage of doing so close to earth, with a solid logistical supply. Our return capability on Mars will make us limited, we need robotics and other capabilities to enhance our abilities.
Grow and utilize the US industrial and academic base - iTech is part of achieving Nasa’s dream. Most of the time, 35 years at NASA, have been spent in logistics. We never bought services, we never did any of the cooperation with the private sector that we do today, so once you are used to doing something in one way, you have to adapt.

Space Technology Programs
Early Stage
NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts
Space Tech Research Grants
Center Innovation Fund

Game Changing Development
Small Spacecraft Tech
Commercial partnerships
tech transfer
Flight opp
Centinial challenge
Regional econ dev

I do not have time to go through all of these.
We are probably at about 8 now
Some of these are industry specific
But these can be conducted by anyone, such as NIAC, we pay 125k for research project and if we like it we up the pay to 500k for a further 2 years studying the topic.

We express the privilege to utilize the tech, but beyond that we exercise no additional copyrights

We see ourselves as the best in the world, approval for phase 1 gives 125k for 6 months, and phase 2 gives 750k for two years this leads to a contract phase.

We sponsor payloads for suborbital platforms, and we do not pay for the payloads, but we provide the launch and a small amount of money for integration. Servicer and payload get manifested.
My time is up but I also address regional economic development and centennial challenges.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


2018 NASA iTech Cycle I
notes transcribed by Paul Andreas Fischer

Tacile interface for communication
Not a map you see, but a map you feel, for blind people, is a centuries old idea
If you think about the technologies you interact with on a day to day basis, probably a screen
Millions of people rely on inefficient communication and their vision and hearing are overloaded
Sematic labs thinks about communication, and believes they have found another way of solving the problem: communicating information by touch

The product is Zorb, as a hardware desing to enable delivery of information through touch
The helmet draws your eyes to areas that need attention, such as an emergency
The sensations created by the software allow creation of sensations to communicate anything.

20 multi-billion dollar business have expressed interest
We have created a pipeline of patented products that allow us to creat an IP viable line
The pre-order campaign raised 25k, and it took 9 months to deliver the first version of the hardware for users
Collection of feedback has allowed the next generation to emerge
3 objectives
Industrial safety
Military coordination
Augmented reality

The technology of touch has not evolved in 20 years.
We are currently raising 500k to evaluate the effectiveness of the technology in specific controlled circumstances. To demonstrate how many lives are saved, how easy it is to send a message by touch, and exactly what efficiency is gained.
Our product is not like a pager, which is on or off, our product allows a wide variety of signals to be sent, from proximity alarms to the value of a pressure gauge.
Our team is comprised of employees from google, entrepreneurs, biologists, and more
So the next concept is how to take this technology to space. There are unique conditions and communication failures that can occur in space. This can be beneficial in a space suit, underwater, or in the factories where equipment is manufactured.

Q you have exclusivity in the field, and the product is already prepared for use. My question is what about security? Sensitive fields such as military might not want to allow hacking that could compromise their objectives? Is your defense an external platform or a cybersecurity focus?
A Our team coordinates with teams in the intelligence communities with separate encryption, our Bluetooth would not be active, the security is handed off on transfer.
Q Is your objective to create a new language of touch that can be used across multiple platforms?
A precisely, you already have specific emotions and responses to specific stimuli and we are able to utilize this to promote the coherency of our technology.
Q you hope to quantify how many lives you expect to save?
A exactly, by using games such as football, and the technology we can use the data from a coach giving insturctions to players as a base line for how effective it will be in the field.
Q where are the signals coming from and how are they controlled?
A right now all of the signals have a human in the loop, so there is a human who initiates the signals. We can coordinate this how you want.